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[POPL'23] SSA Translation Is an Abstract Interpretation
[Session Previews @ POPL'23] Program Analysis & Parsing
"A Correctness/Incorrectness Program Logic based on Abstract Interpretation"
Sound and Reusable Components for Abstract Interpretation
[Session Previews @ POPL'23] Relational & Automated Verification
[POPL'23] Smoothness Analysis for Probabilistic Programs with Application to Optimised Var...
Compiler Design Module 124 3: Translation to SSA
[POPL'23] CN: Verifying Systems C Code with Separation-Logic Refinement Types
[N40AI'24] Trust but Verify: Scaling Deductive Verification with Abstract Interpretation
[POPL'23] When Less Is More: Consequence-Finding in a Weak Theory of Arithmetic
[POPL'24] EasyBC: A Cryptography-Specific Language for Security Analysis of Block Ciphers ...
On Abstraction Refinement for Program Analyses in Datalog